Swimming pool cleaning and maintenance

It is essential to have your swimming pool accurately and regularly maintained as that is a matter of above all health, but of finance as well.
A well looked after pool is not only a pleasure to enjoy for yourself and your guests, but also prolongs the quality and life of your swimming pool interior as well as the filter system and other external pool parts. That on longer time period would save you plenty of unexpected expenses.
Our pool maintenance personnel is there to execute a highly efficient swimming pool maintenance service.
We will check your pool at least twice a week to ensure the pool water is clean and balanced, matching the health standards.
At each visit the pump and filter system will be checked, chemicals added in compliance with the required PH water balance, the pool surface will be cleaned from leaves and other garbage, as well as the swimming pool floor will be vacuumed.
We will also make sure that the water level is at required height as that is crucial for proper pump work and safety.
For the diverse swimming pool owners we offer different maintenance options, depending on the type of engagement:
- One off summer season swimming pool cleaning and preparation – including thorough swimming pool cleaning, filling with water, check up the filter system and installing the pump. Testing the whole system at full swimming pool.
- One off winter preparation of the swimming pool – including emptying the water, cleaning of the swimming pool, advising on the best winter maintenance option – chemicals or vinyl cover; dismounting the pump
- Regular swimming pool maintenance – usually that maintenance is 2 times a week, including all aspects of the swimming pool maintenance:
- Summer season preparation of your swimming pool
- Testing the water for PH balance on approved weekly schedule
- Testing the water for chlorine level
- Coordinating the check up of the swimming pool by the Regional Health Inspection authority (only for categorized rental properties)
- Checking the water level and filling (if no automatic fill in system is available)
- Putting chemicals
- Checking and cleaning the filter system
- Checking and cleaning skimmers
- Cleaning the swimming pool surface
- Vacuuming the swimming pool floor
- Arranging pool repairs of the pool structure and surface
- Arranging repairs of the pool system – filter, lights, pump
- Winterize the swimming pool
For detailed offer regarding swimming pool maintenance in Balchik, Varna or other Northern Black Sea coast areas, please contact us.
Swimming pool maintenance, Albena area
Swimming pool maintenance, Albena area
Swimming pool maintenance, Balchik area
Swimming pool maintenance, Albena area